A cultural shakedown.
Down the Pipes is a weekly, semi-private newsletter for my mostly-coherent musings on media, culture, technology, business and society, mostly via links to other amazing writers, creators, journalists, and producers who are making great stuff. It’s also a lot of personal stories that are mostly true, or as much truth as I can muster.
You'll notice all the posts here require a subscription to read, but don't be intimidated by the paywall. If you know me personally or can’t afford a subscription, simply reply to one of my free preview emails and I’ll comp your account forever.
And while the whole “semi-private” thing means I’d prefer my readers to be only a few degrees removed IRL, I’ve always believed that good people know good people. So if you’re already close enough to me to be reading this very post right now, you can consider yourself one of those good people. In lieu of paid subscription, I'd love if you could tell your friends and followers about this little slice of post-social, pre-VR internet fun we're having here.
Or don't, stakes here are about as low as they can be.
Welcome on Down the Pipes!